Bulk Historical Paperwork Imports

This article outlines the process for Service Providers to bulk import a large amount of historical paperwork into PASS Tools. **Please note that this process is for only uploading historical documentation. If an inspection is completed by hand and then uploaded as a paperwork you will be charged for this upload. With any current inspections they must be conducted with the PASS Tools Portal.


  • Service Provider must be able to upload all paperwork/documentation files to our FTP server
  • Service Provider must be able to populate an excel manifest file that maps each file with the following metadata (required data is in bold):
    • Facility identifier, which can be any of the following:
      • Their assigned facility number
      • The External ID set in PASS Tools
      • The PASS Tools system ID
    • Paperwork Type
    • Vendor
    • Technician
    • Performed At
    • Expires At
    • Archived At
    • Passed?
    • Notes
    • filename

The Process

  1. PASS provides credentials to log into our FTP service
  2. Service Provider connects to FTP server and uploads the manifest along with all documents that should be uploaded
  3. PASS will verify the formatting of the manifest then run the import
  4. After a QA check the import is complete

**Reminder that this process is for Historical Paperwork bulk upload. NO CURRENT INSPECTION SHOULD BE UPLOADED OR YOU WILL BE CHARGED.**

Any questions please contact PASS Support at (765) 281-5588 Ext 901 or send us an email at support@passtesting.com

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