How to Assign Training to an Employee-Facility Admin

This article is to help you assign a training credit to a student (or if you are a larger company on aggregated invoicing).

1. Using your username and password, log in to

2. Select the Students tab.

3. Search the employee's name, then select the employee.

4. On the next screen:

  • Click the green Assign Training button if you have already purchased training credits for this employee and the training is not visible in their In Progress or Completed Trainings sections. 
  • Click the Marketplace tab if you have not yet purchased the training for this employee. You will then select the training from Marketplace, in the purchase options box, search and select the students name and Assign Training to Another User button, this will assign it to that student and create a shopping cart to purchase the training; for help with that see Purchasing Training Course -Facility Admin.

5. If you click Assign Training, the window shows you all of the training credits your Company has pre-purchased or has available for them to take. Please select the training you'd like to assign to this employee. 

6. The next screen shows that your selected training has been added to the employee's In Progress training. They can log in with their username and password and start training by clicking on that training. If you selected the wrong training, click the training and select Remove training, which will put it back into your company's credit pool.


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